création 2008

a dancer, a pianist
a pianist and a dancer
a dancer with a pianist
a pianist who does not accompany dance
a dancer who does not move to the music
a pianist facing a dancer
a dancer next to a pianist
under whose influence
isolated from the rest of the world

© Valérie Archeno


© Sophie Laly

choreographer & dancer • David Wampach
composer & performer • Aurélien Richard
assistant, costumes, make up, performer (film) • Rachel Garcia
lights • Caty Olive
sound • Felix Perdreau

with the participation of • Sophie Laly, Anne Lenglet, Neto Machado, Eduard Mont de Palo, Mickael Phelippeau, Pietro Romani.

Piano recordings
Composer and performer : Aurélien Richard
Recording and mixing : Félix Perdreau
Thanks to Jean-Claude Dodin

Film 1 from Brian de Palma’s Carrie
Director and performer : David Wampach
Camera, costumes and make-up : Rachel Garcia
Accessories and extra performer : Pietro Romani
Thanks to Sofia and to the Finalmente (Lisbonne)

Film 2 from John Waters’ Desperate Living
Director and performer : David Wampach
Performer, costumes, accessories and make-up : Rachel Garcia
Script and extra performer : Anne Lenglet
Camera and film-editing : Cyril Laucournet
Camera assistant : Richard Wampach
With help from Dominique Fabrègues, Sylvie Eguephial and Vincent Cavaroc
Thanks to Jacques, Marie-Christine, Ginette, Arnaud, Cindy, Robin and Bernard

production • Association Achles

coproduction • Rencontres Chorégraphiques of Seine-Saint-Denis, Uzès Danse centre, for the development of dance of Uzege/Gard/Languedoc-Roussillon, National choreographic center of Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon

residencies • Tanzwerkstatt Berlin (Germany), O espaço do tempo à Montemor (Portugal), in collaboration with Uzès Danse

with the support of • la Préfecture de Région Languedoc-Roussillon – Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles, the Languedoc-Roussillon region, the city of Montpellier, the theatre and dance division of the French Embassy in Germany, the French and Portuguese institutes of Lisbon

special thanks to the National Center of Dance, Ménagerie de Verre (Paris)

May 30, 31 and June 1, 2008 • World Premiere, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis
June 14, 2008 • Festival Uzès Danse
January 19 and 20, 2009 • Festival Faits Divers, Micadanses, Paris
June 22 and 23, 2009 • Festival Montpellier Danse
August 10 and 13, 2009 • Festival ImPulsTanz, Vienna / Austria
October 2009 •Showing at the Centre Pompidou under the auspices of “Vidéodanse”
December 1 and 2, 2009 • Festival les Inaccoutumés • Ménagerie de Verre, Paris
January 19, 2010 • Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Besançon – Nouveau Théâtre de Besançon
January 29, 2010 • Festival Artdanthé, Vanves
March 29, 2010 • Teatro Out Off – Festival Danae, Milan / Italy
May 3, 2011 • Queer Zagreb Festival • Zagrebacki Plesni Centar, Zagreb / Croatie
June 9 and 10, 2012 • Queer New-York Festival • Abrons Art Center, New York / USA

Proving the absurd • Bérengère Alfort • Dandy
Auto • Sophie Grappin-Schmitt •
Wampach slightly mad, Cathala implacable • Gérard Mayen •
Bodies under pressure • Marie-Christine VERNAY • Libération
Critique Télérama • Rosita Boisseau • Télérama