création 2008

BATTERIE is a meeting, a duet between a drummer and a dancer.
BATTERIE is an instrument – or rather, a kit of instruments – of music, or cooking.
BATTERIE is a serie of movements in which the legs beat.
BATTERIE is a fight, a battle, a quarrel.
BATTERIE is what we refill, or what is flat.
BATTERIE is the origin of these words BÂbord and TRIbord, which allow to distinguish left to right on a boat, Bâbord is left and TRIbord is right.

© Richard Wampach



concept • David Wampach

cast • Jérôme Renault or Elisa Barbier, David Wampach

October 17, 2007 • Théâtre Saragosse, Pau
September 24 – 25, 2008 • Festival accès(s), Pau
September 5, 2009 • Chez Bushwick, New-York
January 12, 2010 • Scène Nationale d’Alès, le Cratère
February 11, 2010 • Le Plateau / FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris
April 22, 2010 • Palais de Tokyo, Paris
May 3rd, 2010 • Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Carthage, Tunisia
June 14, 2010 • Festival Uzès Danse, Uzès
June 16, 2010 • La Raffinerie, Bruxelles
September 2nd, 2010 •, Tanz im August, Berlin
September 25, 2010 • Materiais Diversos, Minde, Portugal
September 28, and October 2nd, 2010 • Marseille Objectif Danse, ActOral, Marseille
October 17, 2010 • Mifa/The Massachusets International Festival of the Arts, Holyoke / USA
October 19, 2010 • The Invisible Dog Art Center, New-York
February 12, 2011 • La Ferme du Buisson, Nuit curieuse, Hors-Saison
February 18, 2011 • Le Périscope, Nîmes
April 27, 2011 • De Singel, Anvers
July 15, 2011 • French-japanese institute in Yokohama, Japan
March 17, 2012 • Festival ArtDanThé, Vanves
March 30, 2012 • Pessac en Scènes with the CDC Le Cuvier, Pessac
June 9 and 10, 2012 • Abrons Art Center – Queer New-York Festival / USA
October 5, 2012 • Nuit Blanche, Institut français de Kyoto / Japon
March 7, 2013 • Festival ArtDanThé, Tilburg / Netherlands
November 3, 2013 • Le 3 du TROIS • CCCL, Luxembourg
April 15, 2014 • Le Cratère, scène nationale d’Alès
October 25, 2014 • Escenica En Movimiento, Concepcion, Chile
September 8, 2015 • The Diver Festival, Tel Aviv, Israël
October 7, 2016 • MID – Movimento Internacional de Dança • CCBB – BH • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
October 12, 2016 • MID – Movimento Internacional de Dança • CCBB – BSB • Brasilia, Brazil
March 13, 2017 • March 13, 2017 • CDC Uzès Danse
May 10, 2018 • Alliance Française • Buenos Aires, Argentina
May 17, 2018 • Soirée de présentation du Festival Uzès Danse • Uzès
January 23, 2019 • Le Phare, Centre Chorégraphique National Le Havre
February 17, 2019 • La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie
May 22, 2022 • La Grand’Combe
June 29, 2022 • Vaisseau 3008, Nîmes