© performance 2017

CASSETTE-DUET is an adaptation of CASSETTE, a contemporary dance show created in 2011 that is inspired by the classical ballet The Nutcracker. He extracts from it everything that corresponds to its identity: the figure of the couple, the fantastical tale, the folk dances, and the romantic and exotic musical score, so as to confront these with ballroom dances (rumba, chachacha…) and question the codes of the ballet through accentuation.

CASSETTE-DUET by David Wampach pairs two of the play’s original dancers, whose ballroom dance moves exude sheer glee and pleasure in close proximity to their audience, performing in both indoor and outdoor areas that differ greatly from the theatre.

CASSETTE-DUET first saw the day during the Parades performance festival, organised by the FIAC – the International Contemporary Art Fair held in Paris in collaboration with the Petit Palais exhibition centre.
CASSETTE-DUET also made an entrance at the Mi-Nuit Blanche festival in Uzès – an event revolving entirely around contemporary art, held in a city filled with ancient heritage. The dancing couple strolled through the old town, past the Town Hall and on to the Medieval Garden.

© Marc Domage


choreography • David Wampach
dance • Aina Alegre et Guillaume Marie in replacement of Pep Garrigues
costume • Rachel Garcia

production and touring • Karen Jouve
administration • Sylvie Suire

September 29, 2017 • Mi-Nuit Blanche, La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie
October 21, 2017 • Petit Palais, FIAC de Paris