© création 2021

For INOUTSIDE, David Wampach, Takao Kawaguchi and fukudapero present a two-day ‘viral’ forum. A collective experiment exploring ‘virally inspired future’, INOUTSIDE allows various viruses (artists, performers, scientists, walk-in audiences) to join the host cell (the event) for a multitude of events from performances, exhibitions, screenings, symposiums, to night parties. Through such multidimensional possibilities, participants will be able to deeply and corporally engage with the virus to exchange different perspectives, thoughts, opinions, feelings and ideas, to explore and find a different form of intimacy.

nuit blanche • galerie ma // kyoto // October 1 and 2, 2021 • to go further

dance new air • shibaura house // tokyo // October 23 and 24, 2021 • to go further