création 2007

Four dancers, as naked as the stage upon which they are dancing – well, almost, wearing transparent, green-tinged fishnet unitards. During this short, fresh piece, a mysterious force appears onstage from time to time, its supernatural aspect set off by lighting effects. It represents some kind of palpable threat, pressure or danger and the dancers definitely feel the tension of this invisible presence, disappearing, hiding, doing things in the wings, finally reappearing. When the force seems to let its guard down, the movements change to repeated release punctuated by joy, bursts of laughter, breathlessness, shouts, edginess, near hysteria, terror. (…) This piece examines everyday intimacy and has all the ingredients of liberating release, rising and falling in an abrupt silence

Anne Leray • l’Hérault du Jour (april 7, 2007)

© Valérie Archeno


© Sophie Laly

choreography • David Wampach
assistant to the choreography, costume • Rachel Garcia
dance • Pep Garrigues, Lola Rubio, Tamar Shelef, David Wampach
lights • Caty Olive
stage management • Gaëtan Lebret
light management • Abigail Fowler
music • Hector Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique (Sir Colin Davis)
with the participation of • Benjamin Bodi, Maeva Cunci, Lucy Grauman, Johann Maheut, Virginie Thomas


production • Association Achles

coproduction • Montpellier dance festival 2007, National choreographic center of Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon – ReRc program (research residence), National choreographic center of Franche-Comté in Belfort (via the accueil-studio programme), Biennale nationale de danse du Val de Marne – centre de développement chorégraphique, also in the accueil-studio programme

with the network of choreographic development centers • CDC Avignon, Bourgogne, Roubaix / Nord – Pas-de-Calais, Toulouse/Midi-Pyrenees, Uzes/Gard/Languedoc-Roussillon, Val de Marne, European dance web with the support of the European Unions program culture 2000

with the support of • la Préfecture de Région Languedoc-Roussillon – Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles, the Languedoc-Roussillon region, the city of Montpellier, Micadanse/Paris, Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon

June 28 – 29, 2007 • World Premiere at the Festival Montpellier Danse 07
December 5, 2007 • Biennale du Val de Marne, Salle Jacques Brel, Fontenay-sous-Bois
February 16, 2008 • Centre de Développement Chorégraphique de Toulouse/ Midi-Pyrénées
April 14 and 19, 2008 • Screening at the Centre Pompidou under the auspices of the “Vidéodanse” programme
May 27, 2008 • Centre de Développement Chorégraphique de Roubaix/ Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Dance in Lille
January 29, 2009 • Festival Artdanthé, Théâtre de Vanves
February 23, 2009 • Festival les Hivernales, Salle Benoît XII, Avignon
June 25 and 26, 2009 • Festival Les TJCC, Théâtre de Gennevilliers
January 10, 2014 • Le Cratére, Scène nationale d’Alès

QUATORZE [FOURTEEN]:David Wampach says, “Let the games begin“
• imagesdedanse.overblog.com • Jérôme Delatour
The Rise and Fall of Montpellier Danse ‘07 • Fabien Rivière • ladanse.com
Deux filles et deux garçons (french) • Amélie C. • Vaucluse Matin
Un début gonflé à bloc (french) • Gérard Mayen • Mouvement.net
Je voudrais danser le théâtre et jouer la danse (french) • Danièle Carraz • La Provence
Pression et récréation (french) • Danièle Carraz • Anne Leray • L’Hérault du jour